Project of the Week – 2020


CyberSANE is delighted to announce that we have been nominated as‘s “PROJECT OF THE WEEK” from 19 to 23 October 2020.

To find out more about ust from themselves, you can read their news article about CyberSANE here.

CyberSANE is designing and implementing an advanced, configurable and adaptable, Security and Privacy Incident Handling system, towards security incident detection and handling, composed of five independent but collaborative components. These five components work together to improve, intensify and coordinate the overall security efforts for the effective and efficient identification, investigation, mitigation and reporting of realistic multi-dimensional attacks within the interconnected web of cyber assets in the CIIs and security events. CyberSANE will act as a catalyst for improving the innovation in cybersecurity capacity by increasing the privacy and the security of online healthcare, energy and transportation services through extensive piloting.

Luis Miguel Campos, Project Coordinator, PDMFC / Head of  Research and Development

CyberSANE poses a disruptive approach considering the whole life-cycle of a cyberattack and even goes a step further to identify sophisticated techniques used and acquired by cybercriminals on the Dark and Deep web. Thanks to this, we are able to provide end-users from different critical information infrastructures a robust system that will support them on the protection of their ICT infrastructures and therefore the suitable supply of services to citizens.

Jose Francisco Ruiz, WP5 Leader, Atos / Project Manager

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