Updated 3rd November 2020
The 6th and 7th October 2020, CyberSANE participated in the 7th annual Cyber Security For Critical Assts (CS4CA) European Summit in London.
During this virtual event, CyberSANE participated in a case study entitled “Cyber Security Incident Handling, Warning and Response System for the European Critical Infrastructures: An introduction to the CyberSane Project“.
The description of the presentation is as follows: “The innovative proposal presented by the CyberSANE consortium foresees the development of a system addressing both technical and cognitive challenges related to the identification, prevention and protection against attacks on critical infrastructures through collecting, compiling, processing and fusing of all individual incident-related information for ensuring the integrity and validity of Infrastructures, helping decision-makers to understand the technical aspects of an attack and draw conclusions on how to respond.”
It was presented by our own Quality Assurance Manager, Manos Athanatos from FORTH on Wednesday 7th October at 11:50!
Who is Manos Athanatos?
Manos Athanatos is CyberSANE‘s Quality Assurance Manager and Technical Project Manager at FORTH.
If you want to find our more, you can read his interview with QG Media who organise the CS4CA Summit here.
What is CS4CA?
The 7th Annual Cyber Security for Critical Assets Summit is set in a hyperconnected world where the drive of the 4th industrial revolution continues to accelerate forward. As a result, organisations are digitally transforming their operations and processes, increasing business risks and presenting new opportunities for attackers to penetrate critical assets and infrastructure.
COVID-19 also presents new challenges for cyber security leaders across the globe. Attackers are exploiting unprecedented levels of uncertainty, change in circumstances and shifts in processes, increasing both the likelihood and impact of cyber-attacks across a number of critical industry verticals including: Energy, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Power, Chemical, Water & Healthcare industries.
Now more than ever, the skills, techniques and processes for securing both digital and physical assets must evolve quickly in order to continue to safeguard critical assets and infrastructure. With this in mind, CS4CA Europe brings together 100’s of cyber security leaders for 2-days of in-depth knowledge exchange, strategy planning and insight building online over 6th & 7th October.
Key Themes Include:
- Steps to ensuring business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Transforming your cyber security strategy to keep up with Industry 4.0
- Modelling an OT SOC
- Incident response and disaster recovery for critical systems
- Addressing the human element of cyber security
- Designing, operating and managing risks to ICS and their assets
- Governance in OT environments
Speakers include CISOs, VPs, Heads of IT and OT Security at: Maersk, Ofgem, Iberdola, NATS, Ansaldo Energia and more.
View the agenda and secure your place for FREE using the discount code MPVIP.